East Central Planning
Newton, MSAbout
East Central Planning and Development District (ECPDD), located in Newton, Mississippi, is one of ten PDD’s in the State. It was officially designated in 1968 by the Economic Development Administration as a result of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965.
ECPDD serves nine (9) counties and thirty-one (31) municipalities, providing a wide range of technical assistance and services to help promote economic growth and to provide better job opportunities for the area. The District assists the towns and counties with economic and community development efforts, with emphasis on planning, developing and coordinating local and regional projects and programs; interpretation of federal and state regulations and guidelines; preparation of grant applications; and project and program administration.
ECPDD is designated as an Economic Development District by the Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration, a Local Development District by the Appalachian Regional Commission, and was appointed an official regional planning organization by the State of Mississippi. The District is also the Area Agency on Aging, a State Data Center Affiliate and serves as planning staff for the the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. In addition, the District operates Revolving Loan Fund Programs to assist new and expanding businesses and industries.
Jobs at East Central Planning
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